Short Codes:

An SMS short code is a 5-6 digit telephone number that is employed by corporations to opt-in customers to their SMS messaging lists and thus are utilized to send a text message providing coupons, offers, promotions, etc. to those customers that had previously opted-in. A customer interacts with an SMS short code by drafting a new text message on their mobile phone and sending it to the business’s 5-6 digit SMS short code.

Short codes are optimal for marketing messages, any set of bulk messaging, or messages containing URLs. Short codes are likewise fit for advertising. If you advertise on social media platforms, short codes are excellent for that purpose.

If you’re shooting more than a few hundred messages in a day through long code, your text messages bear the hazard of being characterized as spam. Short codes are pre-approved by carriers to have a much higher throughput. This makes them appropriate for delivering those high-volume or time-bound messages.

Short codes are also fit for sending high-volume messages in the organization-to-consumer environment. With long numbers, you’re hardly competent to send 100 SMS per second, but short codes can send massive volumes of bulk SMS messages at a dependable rate with much higher throughput. Short codes are a dynamic SMS marketing and customer understanding tool, notably for time-sensitive operations or critical alerts.